Student Voice

Journalism students' perceptions of university support and communication

communication with supervisor, lecturer, tutor journalism

By Student Voice

Clear and effective communication is an important part of the academic experience. It is key for staff to maintain open channels that facilitate not only the transfer of knowledge but also encourage a culture where students feel valued and heard. This blog post starts by looking into how students relay their thoughts and concerns to their educators and the impact this has on their academic journey. By analysing student voices through surveys and text analysis methods, we gather inputs on various communication aspects that affect a student's daily university life. Understanding these interactions provides us with useful insights into not only the effectiveness but also the areas needing improvement in the communication process between students and their academic guides. Engaging with this topic helps higher education institutions better tailor their approaches and support mechanisms to enhance student satisfaction and academic success.

Communication Issues

Students often express frustration over the delay in responses to emails, difficulty in directly contacting lecturers, and generally poor communication channels. These hindrances seem to negatively impact the efficiency of student learning and the completion of projects. Directness and timeliness in communication are not just beneficial but necessary for journalism students, who typically deal with tight deadlines and require swift feedback to refine their work. Enhanced interaction between students and their supervisors, lecturers, or tutors aids tremendously in building confidence and competence. Institutions need to actively encourage staff to be more available and responsive, perhaps through setting clearer expectations for communication timelines or utilising more streamlined systems that allow for easier student-staff interaction. Regular and structured updates from lecturers can also reduce confusion and boost overall morale, thereby supporting students as they navigate through their academic courses. As educational strategies evolve, so too must our approach to communication, ensuring it meets the needs of all students and provides a steady foundation for their academic and professional growth.

Staff Availability

Ensuring that lecturers are accessible and that students can easily schedule meetings or office hours is incredibly important for the academic performance and satisfaction of journalism students. Many students face challenges in setting up timely interactions with their lecturers, which can lead to gaps in understanding and missed opportunities for deeper engagement with their studies. At many universities, setting up meetings with lecturers or tutors can often feel like navigating a maze, with available slots being limited and quickly filled. To address these issues, institutions may consider implementing more flexible office hours or perhaps an online booking system that can manage appointments more efficiently. This adjustment could make a significant difference in how supported a student feels throughout their academic process. Regular, guaranteed access to lecturers not only helps in clarifying doubts promptly but also enables a continuous flow of feedback, which is particularly important for courses laden with practical assignments like journalism. By improving staff availability, institutions can ensure that students not only get the guidance they need but also feel genuinely supported throughout their academic career.

Feedback and Marking

In the area of journalism education, timely and detailed feedback on assignments is key. The process of submitting work and receiving insightful commentary not only improves a student's learning but also enhances their writing skills over time. Effective feedback from supervisors, lecturers, or tutors involves a balance of constructive criticism and motivational praise, which can significantly aid a student's development. An important aspect of this interaction is the clarity and promptness of the feedback provided. Students often rely on these evaluations to understand their progress and areas that need improvement. When staff are attentive and responsive in their marking, it contributes greatly to the student’s academic confidence. Therefore, enhancing communication channels for feedback becomes essential. Institutions should look into streamlining their digital platforms, so submissions and evaluations are handled smoothly, and students receive their marks and reviews without unnecessary delays. Encouraging regular communication about feedback between students and their academic guides will help to ensure that the insights provided are not only well received but also well understood. This focus on refining feedback processes is a clear way to support student learning and drive their success in journalism.

Online Learning Challenges

Transitioning to online learning has introduced numerous hurdles, notably in the area of communication between students and their academic guides. The absence of face-to-face meetings often makes it difficult for students to feel fully engaged and can lead to misunderstandings or a sense of isolation. One of the key points of online education is ensuring that students can still reach their lecturers, supervisors, or tutors effectively and efficiently. However, with the increased reliance on digital platforms, many journalism students find it hard to get quick responses to their queries, which can be frustrating. This is especially important where journalism is concerned, as the subject often requires quick decision-making and timely advice from mentors. Staff should consider regular virtual office hours and swift email communications to mitigate these issues. Additionally, incorporating interactive tools like forums or live Q&A sessions during online lectures could improve engagement and ensure that students have the opportunity to raise concerns and ask questions in real time. Such measures could make the digital learning process feel more personal and accessible, thereby enhancing the educational experience of journalism students tackling their courses remotely.

Tutor Support

In the educational process of journalism students, the role of personal tutors often stands out as particularly important. Regular and meaningful contact with tutors can greatly influence a student’s success and their feel of support throughout their academic career. Tutors play a key part in making sure that student voices are heard and that their academic needs are addressed efficiently. This interaction not only facilitates a clear understanding of course material but also builds a supportive relationship that can greatly enhance a student's motivation and engagement. It's important for tutors to be proactive in initiating communication with their students, ensuring they feel comfortable and confident in seeking help and discussing their academic challenges freely. Effective tutor support includes providing guidance, answering questions, and helping students navigate through the complexities of their courses. Institutions should encourage tutors to schedule regular meetings or online check-ins to discuss progress and concerns. Such structured support helps journalism students develop the skills necessary to tackle their assignments with greater assurance and less stress. By fostering a responsive and accessible support system, educational institutions can significantly contribute to the academic and personal development of journalism students.

Staff Qualities

The attitudes and capabilities of university staff play a significant role in enriching the learning environment for journalism students. Key to this is the enthusiasm staff show towards their subjects, which can inspire students and ignite a similar passion for journalism within them. An important facet of staff-student relationships is open and respectful communication, which fosters a productive academic environment. As journalism frequently involves critical thinking and ongoing discourse, the ability to effectively communicate with supervisors, lecturers, and tutors is essential. This interaction lays the foundation for mutual respect and understanding, promoting an atmosphere where students feel confident to share ideas and seek advice. Staff who exhibit these qualities not only support the intellectual growth of their students but also help them to feel more connected to their academic community. Active and empathetic engagement from staff helps ensure that the communication is not just about passing information but also about mentoring and guiding students through their learning process. Respecting students' opinions and fostering a sense of belonging can ultimately lead to higher satisfaction and academic success.

Course Organisation Issues

When discussing the organisation of courses, journalism students often report encountering key difficulties. Disorganisation, such as overlapping modules, unclear booking systems for lecturer meetings, and confusing assessment criteria, significantly mars their learning experience. One important factor often highlighted is the gap in efficient communication with supervisors, lecturers, and tutors. Being unable to easily reach academic guides for clarity or assistance creates a barrier that can frustrate and demotivate students. Central to alleviating such issues is enhancing the process of student-staff dialogue to ensure it is prompt and clear. By fostering a system where students feel they can readily discuss their academic concerns, institutions can play a significant role in smoothing out the process of their academic ventures. Furthermore, implementing a more structured and transparent course organisation can drastically reduce misunderstandings and give students a more supportive framework within which to operate. Addressing these organisational hurdles ties directly into respecting and amplifying the student voice, which is not merely beneficial but necessary for maintaining an environment conducive to academic success and student satisfaction.


This blog has thoroughly explored the communication barriers and support structures in place for journalism students across UK higher education institutions. Our discussions highlight how key it is that staff members maintain effective, open lines of communication that not only assist in knowledge transfer but also foster a supportive academic environment. It is imperative for institutions to actively work on reducing any existing communication delays and to streamline processes for scheduling meetings and feedback sessions. Additionally, the preservation of robust support through tutors and the encouragement of open dialogue within all academic interactions remain foundational to enhancing student satisfaction and academic outcomes. As we have seen, when students feel genuinely supported and understood by their academic guides, their engagement and overall academic journey are markedly improved. For institutions aiming to mould future journalists, investing in these areas will be key to nurturing capable and confident professionals ready to tackle the challenges of the modern media landscape.

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